I got an alert message that "IntelliScanner's software is not optimized for my Mac" - what does this mean?
Updated 3/22/2019
Starting with macOS 10.13.4, you'll be alerted that v software needs to be optimized for your computer. The IntelliScanner Software won’t affect your computer’s performance - what this means is that Apple is in the process of phasing out support for 32-bit applications in macOS.
If you're seeing this alert, it's because you're running an older version of the IntelliScanner software. With the release of IntelliScanner Dashboard version 3.1.2, IntelliScanner's software is now a 64-bit application - make sure you download and install the latest release here.
Please note, only the currently active IntelliScanner Software (IntelliScanner Dashboard, Media, Assets, Inventory, and Daneizo) are 64-bit. Legacy (discontinued) apps (Wine, Kitchen, Comics) will not be updated to 64-bit. Additional information on legacy software available here.