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Need a hand with your IntelliScanner? We're here to help!
First, do any of our Top Frequently Answered Questions apply?

  1. Items I scan in Media aren't automatically filling in.
  2. My IntelliScanner freezes after scanning a barcode.
  3. I can't find my software activation codes.
  4. My activation code is out of date or invalid.
  5. How do I create a backup of my data?
  6. How do I move my data to a new computer?
  7. How do I setup my IntelliScanner?
  8. What do the status lights mean on my Scanabout?
  9. Where's the included software?
  10. My scanner doesn't connect, scan, or download properly.
  11. I installed the latest software, but some of the IntelliScanner apps I use are gone.

If your question isn't listed above, pick a category below for more frequently answered questions. If you still can't find your answer on the next page, you'll find a direct link to contact IntelliScanner Customer Care for expert personal assistance.